Nous sommes ravis de vous annoncer les résultats du Cabinet DDG aux Best Lawyers 2024 !
DDG a été distingué par le titre "Law Firm of the Year 2024" en Media Law. Nous sommes très heureux de ce résultat qui témoigne de notre expertise et de notre engagement.
Frédéric Dumont est reconnu Best Lawyer dans les catégories suivantes :
- Advertising Law
- Entertainment Law
- Intellectual Property Law
- Media Law
Pierre Deprez est reconnu Best Lawyer dans les catégories suivantes :
- Advertising Law
- Entertainment Law
- Intellectual Property Law
- Media Law
Vincent Fauchoux est reconnu Best Lawyer dans les catégories suivantes :
- Information Technology Law
- Intellectual Property Law
Jacques Beaumont est reconnu Best Lawyer en :
- Intellectual Property Law
Et last but not least, Annabelle Dalex, qui a récemment été promue Counsel, est citée pour la deuxième année consécutive parmi les Best Lawyers "Ones to Watch" en Intellectual Property Law.
Nous sommes fiers de ces reconnaissances qui illustrent notre engagement et notre dévouement à servir au mieux les intérêts de nos clients.
We are thrilled to announce the results of DDG at the 2024 Best Lawyers Awards!
DDG has been distinguished with the title of "Law Firm of the Year 2024" in Media Law. We are very pleased with this result, which is a testament to our expertise and commitment.
Frédéric Dumont is recognized as a Best Lawyer in the following categories:
- Advertising Law
- Entertainment Law
- Intellectual Property Law
- Media Law
Pierre Deprez is recognized as a Best Lawyer in the following categories:
- Advertising Law
- Entertainment Law
- Intellectual Property Law
- Media Law
Vincent Fauchoux is recognized as a Best Lawyer in the following categories:
- Information Technology Law
- Intellectual Property Law
Jacques Beaumont is recognized as a Best Lawyer in:
- Intellectual Property Law
And last but not least, Annabelle Dalex, who has recently been promoted to Counsel, is cited for the second consecutive year among the Best Lawyers "Ones to Watch" in Intellectual Property Law.
We are proud of these recognitions, which illustrate our commitment and our dedication to serving our clients' best interests.